
[Cluster]How to make your window service a clustered service ?

You don't have to implement specific interfaces to make your service cluster-aware, but you have to:

  1. Deploy your service to all cluster node
  2. In cluster admin console, create a new Generice Service cluster resource under your cluster group
  3. Check [Use network name] to allow service to impersonate the virtual server
  4. Add all required dependencies

The service itself must:

  1. Its start type must set to [Manual] so the SCM can wake up your service
  2. The service code must be written "cluster aware". Which means, keep in mind that you should not hard-code any resources related to the node your service is running under.
  3. Use virtual resources, in other word, you have to make sure every resources used by your service should be available in every moment
  4. Pay attention to multithread environment
  5. Uncheck [Affect the group] if your are not sure of service's performance, thus the cluster manager won't swith all resource once your service failed.

Cluster and Remoting

Some articles states that binds each channel to a specific ip address by using <bindTo> attribute in application's config file will make it easier to use remoting in a cluster environment. I setup a A-P mode clustered remoting hosts, and find it seem works fine even if I do not set the <bindTo> attribute. I'll keep an eye on this.


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