
[BizTalk]Could not store transport type date for Receive location

I got this error message when trying to deploy BTS assembly and to Stop/Start existing applicaiton.

Could not store transport type data for Receive Location ‘Recv.Loc’ to config store. Primary SSO Server ‘Sql-server’ failed. The external credentials in the SSO database are more recent.

This error occurs due to the system date is not in correct date, I did change the system date for some tests, so to correct SSO db, execute the following script against SSO db.

update SSODB..SSOX_ExternalCredentials 
set ec_timestamp = dateadd(m,-1,ec_timestamp)
where datediff(m,ec_timestamp,getdate())<>0

update SSODB..SSOX_ExternalCredentials
set ec_timestamp = dateadd(year,-1,ec_timestamp)
where datediff(year,ec_timestamp,getdate())<>0


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