
[BizTalk]Fail to retrieve master secrets when accessing BizTalk port configuration

I got [Fail to retrieve master secrets] error message while trying to disable a receive port via BTS Administration console.

This error indicates that the SSO service shomhow could not retrieve the account information from SSO database, generally speaking, this should not cause by incorrect user identity you are using to access database since if that's the case, error message should state that SSO could not connect to SQL server.

In my case, I duplicate a new BTS VM and try to make it work in an AD environment and forgot to create a new SID for the duplicated machine.

To solve this issue,

  • open command prompt, change directory to %\Program Files%\Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-on
  • execute the following command
    • ssoconfig -restoresecret <SecretKeyFileName>


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