
[BizTalk] BTS stop responding and you got TDDS lock timeout error in event log

My BTS 2006 stop processing incoming messages with the following event log entry.

Event Type:    Error
Event Source: BAM EventBus Service
Event Category: None
Event ID: 25
Date: 7/10/2008
Time: 5:51:49 PM
User: N/A
Computer: [BTSSVC]

Either another TDDS is processing the same
data or there is an orphaned session in SQL
server holding TDDS lock.Timeout expired.
The timeout period elapsed prior to
completion of the operation or the server
is not responding.
Database: BAMPrimaryImport.

For more information
, see Help and Support Center at

If you are running BTS 2004, then simply following this KB article (Microsoft KB897653).

If you are running BTS 2006, TIHO's blog has detail information about this error and how to fix it.

Simply speaking, if this happens on BTS2006 server, then one of the following must be solved:

  1. There are orphanded sessions.

    1. Orphanded sessions are those clients that is not able to free their network connection when terminated.

    2. This article shows how to identify if you are running into orphanded session problems and how to solve it.

  2. You have permission issues

    1. The account under which TDDS(Tracking Data Decode Service) must have execute permissions for the following stored procedures in BTS Msg db:TDDS_RedisterTDDSAccess & TDDS_GetNumTrackingPartitions.

    2. The same account must also have execute permission to TDDS_Lock stored procedure in DTA/HAT & BAM Primary Import Databases.

        1. To check and solve permission issues, first connect to BTS Msg DB with same credentials TDDS is running under. then try to execute the following sql statement:
          use [BizTalkMsgBoxDb]

          DECLARE @RC int
          DECLARE @retVal int
          EXEC @RC =
          @retVal OUTPUT
          SELECT @RC

          DECLARE @RC int
          DECLARE @nPartitions tinyint
          EXEC @RC =
          @nPartitions OUTPUT
          SELECT @RC

      1. And the following against BTS DTA & BAM Primary Import databases:

        use [BAMPrimaryImport].
        DECLARE @RC int
        DECLARE @resource nvarchar(128)
        DECLARE @milisecTimeout int
        DECLARE @retVal int
        SELECT @resource = N'Foo'
        SELECT @milisecTimeout = 5000
        EXEC @RC =
        @retVal OUTPUT
        SELECT @retVal
        SELECT @RC

If you got error messages state you are lack of permissions executing those sql statement against BTS MsgDB & DTA/BAM DBs, try to grant execute permission to the account you are connecting to SQL server until no more error messages are shown.


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