
[.Net]Invoking 32 bit COM on 64 bit OS

There are chances you have to invoke legacy 32 bit COM from 64 bit application. The most common exception I’ve got is the error code 800a0035.

Basically the error code 800a0035 is about the 64 bit process (your application )could not retrieve 32 bit COM information from 64 bit registry. Scott Hanselman had a blog post detailing this issue.

So to make your 32 bit COM works on 64 bit server, when compiling your applicaiton, change active solution platform from [Any CPU] to [X86] to make this application a 32 bit application.



[SSRS2008] Several Issues

  1. While creating scheduled task via SSRS web service, I got an [OperationalNotSupportedNativaModeException].
    1. When the Reporting Service is set to Native Mode, you should reference to ReportingService2005.asmx instead of ReportingServivce2006.asmx
  2. Programicaly create SSRS Snapshot report with parameters
    1. SSRS does not support parameterized snapshot (unless you set default parameters), to programicaly create parameterized snatshop.
            ReportingService2005 svc = new ReportingService2005();
svc.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

svc.SetReportParameters("/ReportsTest/UsersReport", new ReportParameter[]{
new ReportParameter{
DefaultValues = new string[]{"John Don"}
ReportingService2005.Warning[] warnings = null;
string id = svc.CreateReportHistorySnapshot("/ReportsTest/UsersReport", out warnings);


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